The results of CurieuzenAir will be announced on 18 March 2022. Participants will receive their personal measurement results by e-mail. At the same time, an interactive, dotted map showing the results from all measurement points in Brussels will appear on the websites of Le Soir, De Standaard and BRUZZ.
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The call for participation in CurieuzenAir was widely answered. The number of candidates (5.578) exceeded the number of available measurement packages (3.000). We made a computer-controlled selection, based on strictly scientific criteria.
The scientific aim of CurieuzenAir is to compare actual measurements of air quality (NO2) in Brussels with a distribution map created by a computer model. We selected the final measuring locations with this specific scientific objective in mind. To this end, the experts in the team developed an algorithm that makes a balanced selection among the different types of living environments in Brussels.
In the selection process, priority went out to schools and community houses, given their educational and social importance. In order to have a good basis for comparison, the measurements should be as standardized as possible. We therefore gave strong priority to candidate measurement locations on the street side and on the first floor (as announced beforehand).
In addition, we used the following criteria:
-good spatial distribution across Brussels
-an even representation of all the neighbourhoods
-a balanced distribution over the different types of residential environments (little/high traffic, narrow/wide streets, open/closed buildings, etc.)
-specific attention for measurement locations where we know the computer model has difficulties (e.g. at traffic lights, busy intersections, etc.)
The fact that a certain location was not selected does not mean that it is not an interesting measurement location. On the contrary, it simply means that there were similar locations nearby, from which we can only select a limited number. In short, you are bound to find a similar type of measurement site in your area!